
We narrow the gap between brands and end users

Building upon our established network and more than 15 years of experience, we help brands establish their position in the DoD and federal law enforcement communities. 

We guide our customers in navigating the procurement lifecycle for their products and services. Typically, this lifecycle can last 12 to 24 months – we reduce that time significantly. This is ever more important with our technology partners where getting the product in the hands of end users before it is obsolete is critical.

End users come to us to help solve difficult and challenging requirements. Often, these operators have direct and immediate procurement authority to obtain time critical resources. We help match requirements with solutions.

We work with many of our customers on retainer to represent their brand with specific agencies or commands. We also work to further penetrate their brand into other end user areas.

Through our network and exposure to new products and manufacturers, we bring brands together to jointly tackle specific requirements or develop a new, combined solution.